
All living beings deserve happiness and freedom. And to achieve those your wellbeing must be taken care of. Wellness has become a hot topic. You can find many quotes about how to achieve your best health on your Insta feeds, and there are endless articles and books on healthy lifestyles. This is essentially because we are all striving for happiness. 
Here we share a few simple guidelines you can bring into your wellness journey.

Be Present
Being aware of your breath is a great and effective exercise to keep you present. Create time to go on silent walks, so you can really notice what you see, hear and feel, or find a place to sit quietly and listen to the sounds that surround you. 

Presence creates a communion between heart and mind, and when this connection happens you get in tune with your inner wisdom, intuition and true heart’s desire.

Make healthy choices
To create a loving life we must love ourselves and to love ourselves we must create a loving life. When you begin to love yourself you will naturally want to be kind to your body, mind and heart. Start by slowly introducing healthy habits to your daily life. For example: drink 1 extra glass of water every morning, eat less processed foods, stretch for 10 min daily, and naturally these small steps will make you feel more vibrant and stonger. Healthy meals and conscious body movement will become part of your permanent life style because they make you feel good!

Practice Gratitude
Every morning write down a handfull of things you are greateful for in your life, in that moment or on that particular day. This is very simple and potent way to remind ourselve of our abundant life. The feeling of gratitude attracts positive outcomes.

Spend time with people you love and who raise your vibrations
Time is valuable. Use your time wisely and surround yourself with uplifting humans. Spend time with people who see your greatest potential. Find connections where you encourage one another. Love everyone.

We hope this is a good starting point to create a life of happiness, love and peace.

We are grateful you took time to read our blog today!

Until next time...

Text by Maria Camargo
IG : @earthislander
